
Inside Duckie and its body parts, there are 7 elements that have their own power and weakness. One element and another element will have a certain relationship, where the relationship will have advantages, weakness or have no effect. The elements of the Duckie are determined by many of the same elements of the body parts. The same number of elements will add strength to the duckie against certain duckies.

The elements and relationships are as follows:

The direction of the arrow shows the advantage element being attacked, with an explanation:

  • Dark will deal more damage if it attacks light

  • Light will deal more damage if it attacks dark

  • Fire will deal more damage if it attacks earth, but will deal less damage if it attacks water

  • Earth will deal more damage if it attacks wind, but will deal less damage if it attacks fire

  • Wind will deal more damage if it attacks water, but will produce less damage if it attacks earth

  • Water will deal more damage if it attacks fire, but will deal less damage if it attacks wind

  • Metal is a special element, it attacks all types of elements with little damage, but metal will also take less damage.

The damage calculations as follows:

  • If the attack has an advantage damage, the damage will be given a multiplier of: damage output = damage * 150% (effective)

  • If the attack has a disadvantage damage, then the damage will be given a multiplier of: damage output = damage * 50% (not effective)

  • Especially for metal, metal will attack with damage output = damage* 75%, and will receive damage input = damage * 75% as well.

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